So many people believe that Mrs. Sarah should be president. WHY? i know that I'm just a worthless teenager who's brain is still developing but really? Even a teen can see this is a bad idea.
1 She really needs to spend more time with her children before they are pregnant.
2 Her 15 minutes of fame came and went a while ago.
3 She can see Russia From her front doorstep
4 What's a dinosaur?
5 She doesn't even know where Israel is
6 She can only name one Supreme Court ruling, Roe. vs. Wade. And she dosen't even know what that was on.
7 She believes North Korea is our allie.
Would you want her to have access to the nuclear codes?
"yes um today lets umm GO to war with Delaware!"
"Um Madame president Thats part of America."
"awwww were just a coupla mavericks we can do whatever we want."
No Thanks
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